Eggciting data
These data were made with a ‘FrakenProbe’ they represent the surface height, X(length) and A(rotational)axis.
The experience with the first test run proved that even though the penholder does have some play in the z direction, the plot could be better if the pen were to follow the surface of the egg exactly. Now its possible to probe the surface and the next step is to interpolate the movements based on the data.
A video of the frakenprobe in action on vimeo :
The gcode to probe the data were my first experience with writing loops in gcode and making extensive use of parameters. I must admit that it not pretty, this is the main part with a nested loop:
(PROBEOPEN data.txt) G0 Z[#<SAFEZ>] #<J> = 0 o200 DO G0 A[#<J> * #<ASTEP>] Z[#<SAFEZ> + <#PZ>] #<I> = 0 o100 DO G0 X[#<I> * #<XSTEP>] Z[#<SAFEZ> + <#PZ>] F300 G38.2 Z[#<PZ] #<PZ> = [#5063] #<I> = [#<I> + 1] o100 WHILE [[#<I> * #<XSTEP>] lt #<W>] #<J> = [#<J> + 1] o200 WHILE [[#<J> * #<ASTEP>] lt 360] (PROBECLOSE)
Did i mention that it is really really nice to have a hackerpace, with tools, parts, club mate and geeks who can help out when you are stuck.