Archive for the ‘Art’ Category.

Matrix Multiplication

Who would have thought that matrix multiplication could be beautiful ?

linear tranformation by matrix multiplication

The very short desctiption :

inspiration from an example of homogeneous coordinates in my linear algebra book and lectures about lineartransforms.

There is a jar, with sourcecode, if you want to se it “live” or twiddle with it.


Strange Attractor Wars

Strange Attractors are quite pretty.

I made have generated quite some random attractors.

Now I need to find the most beautiful ones, and I need your help!

I have created a voting system, where 3 attractors line up and you select the best one. The votes are then accumulated and and overall top 10 is generated.

Strange Attractor wars

It is heavily inspired by

I have been hacking away on this far to long. But expect an article with more details on Strange attractors and probably more features in the “war” application. (like top 100, biggest looser, most victorious etc).

Now just go and make some votes :)


I were so lucky that this season brought me a digital camera.

I’ve setup a gallery

There are some HDRs and panoramas, ive used Hugin and Qtpfsgui.